Track and Field Records
Performances by first claim members in track and field events
Overall best male and female performances
Age and Gender performances (over 20s)
Age and Gender performances (from Under 11s to Under 20s
Qualifying rules
Records can only be held by First Claim members
Performances by first claim members representing district, county and up etc. count
Performances by first claim members in events held by Schools (eg ESAA), Universities, Work organisations including armed forces, only count if officiated appropriately, i.e. by UKA recognised officials
Records set in age based events use correct distances, weights, heights for that age group. Records set using “set-up” from higher age category will only count for the higher age category records
Adult Records
As there are not many track and field performances recorded for adult members, only those are listed. Inaugural events will be listed when there are performances in those events
Records are listed by 5-years age categories, eg. V40, V45
For T&F, age category is determined by your age on 31st August in the year you compete.
Under 20s
The performances for children include U20s.
Records are for every pair of years from Under 11s, so U13s, U15s, U17s
Following UKA's decision to change to even numbers for Juniors age categories in 2026, records for U10, U12, etc. will start appearing
For T&F, age category is determined by your age on 31st August in the year you compete.