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Pam Wheeler

Message below received from Arthur last week. Apologies have missed his deadline but if anyone is interested do get in touch directly.

From: arthur daley <> Date: 19 April 2022 at 23:08:18 BST To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Subject: SW Road running championship Hi It looks like there will be a SW road running championship this year. We will not be able to enter a team unless we have at least one team manager; two or more will be better as it shares the work and makes it more fun. Would you ask your club members for volunteers? The team manager could be the partner of a runner or involved in athletics in any way. The SW region is consulting about the race(s) in which the championship will be held. They are: Severn Bridge half m./10k 28.08.22 Chippenham half m. 18.09.22 Bournemouth half m./10k 08.10.22 One suggestion is that two teams will be entered - each team is 6 athletes with one for 10k and one for half marathon where - so that would be 24 runners as there are male and female team. Do you or your club have a preferred choice from those above? I'll need to know by 28th April. Arthur


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