Spot the Club Chairperson!
Not so difficult, but where is she running?
For the sessions:
Please check here for the Health and Safety and the Sessions' guidance, if you did not read last week’s Blog.
Photo by Barry Cornelius
Session 1 : “Cut down laps”
Suitable for all standards. You need to identify a 400m loop you can use. If you do not have a GPS type tracker, run for 8% (~1/12th) of your 5k (Park Run) time at that pace, as part of the warm up.
Purpose of session : – Help practice your 10k and 5k race pace. You should be “spent” at the end.
Warm up : for 15 minutes and finish with four 15-second accelerations.
Efforts : * see table below for pace descriptions
Set 1 : Run three 400m efforts at your 10k pace with 200m jogs to recover.
Run 400m.
Set 2 : Run three 400m efforts at your 5k pace, with 200m jogs to recover.
Jog 400m.
Set 3 : Run three 400m efforts at your one-mile pace, with 200m jogs to recover.
Cool down : run for 10 to 15 minutes “easy” pace and do some static stretches to aid recovery, especially those for calf muscles, hamstrings, quads and glutes.
Some pace guidance :
Session 2 : “Standard Tempo Run”
Purpose of session : – Help improve your endurance.
Warm up run at steady pace for 10 minutes and after 5 minutes include 3 sets of strides (about 30 seconds each)
Efforts : Run for 20 minutes at a pace just a bit slower than your 10k race pace, ensuring you run at an even pace (unless terrain is hilly) – the focus is a steady intensity of effort for a prolonged time.
Option : extend tempo run time, e.g. to 25 minutes or 40 minutes but no more than hour. Reduce pace per km by 2% for 30 minutes and then 1% for every 10 minutes beyond 30 minutes, i.e. 4 to 8 seconds slower per km for 30 minutes for the range of Park Runs in Session 1 (see table) and 9 to 14 slower per km for 45 minutes, both compared to the 20 minutes pace. Lower reduction values are for the faster Park run times.
Cool down as per Session 1
Have fun with them and stay healthy.