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Our Welfare Commitment


Cirencester Athletics Club (CAC) acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of everyone involved with the Club and athletics generally. It is committed to ensuring its safeguarding practices reflect both statutory responsibilities and government guidance, and that it complies with best practice and UK Athletics (UKA) / England Athletics (EA) requirements.


CAC believes that everyone involved in athletics should enjoy their participation and development in safety and security, with protection from abuse, maltreatment or misconduct. Every individual involved in athletics events and programmes is responsible for upholding this belief.


To this end, CAC accepts the legal and moral responsibility to provide a duty of care for all people (including children and vulnerable adults) within the sport, and to safeguard their welfare irrespective of age, impairment, gender, racial origin, religious belief and sexual identity.


CAC adheres to the full UKA policies relating to Safeguarding Children and Adults, which can be found here:


Safeguarding Children           

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults.

Our Welfare Team


CAC has appointed two Welfare Officers, Lorna Harris and Nicola Wood. If you have any Welfare concerns or questions within CAC, then please contact them directly.











Lorna Harris                                                                  Nicola Wood

Club Welfare Officer                                                     Assistant Club Welfare Officer

Mobile: 07814 081135                                                   Mobile: 07837 715260

Email:  tbc                                                                      Email: tbc


Reporting a Safeguarding Concern


If you think a child, young person or adult is at immediate risk of significant harm or abuse, or requires urgent protection, then you should call the Police on 999 and / or your local Social Services.


Gloucestershire Adult Social Care Helpdesk: 01452 426868 - 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. 

Gloucestershire Children & Families Helpdesk: 01452 426565 - 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Out of hours for both children & adults: Emergency Duty Team on 01452 614194.


The urgent NHS mental health helpline for the Gloucestershire area is 0800 169 0398.


If the matter is not immediate, then please contact the CAC Welfare Team as above. If that isn't possible, then you can contact the England Athletics Safeguarding & Welfare Team by calling 07464 522426 or emailing

Asst Welfare Officer Nicola Wood 2024
Welfare Officer Lorna Harris 2024_edited.jpg
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